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Friday Five for October 22, 2021

1. Event: Bruin Learn Days

Upcoming Event! Bruin Learn Days are an opportunity for the UCLA community to learn more about Bruin Learn, UCLA’s new Learning Management System (LMS) built on the Canvas platform. Bruin Learn Days will be held on campus and virtually on Tuesday, October 26 and Wednesday, October 27 from 10:00am – 2:00pm each day. Visit the Bruin Learn Days page to learn more!

2. UC adopts recommendations for the responsible use of artificial intelligence

With Drake’s action, UC becomes one of the first universities in the nation to establish overarching principles for the responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI) and a governance process that prioritizes transparency and accountability in decisions about when and how AI is deployed.

“Artificial intelligence holds great potential, but it must be used with appropriate care and caution,” President Drake said. “The Presidential Working Group on Artificial Intelligence has given us a road map for deploying this promising technology in a way that protects our community and reflects our values, including non-discrimination, safety and privacy.”  Continue reading.

3. Twitter admits bias in algorithm for rightwing politicians and news outlets 

According to a 27-page research document, Twitter found a “statistically significant difference favouring the political right wing” in all the countries except Germany. Under the research, a value of 0% meant tweets reached the same number of users on the algorithm-tailored timeline as on its chronological counterpart, whereas a value of 100% meant tweets achieved double the reach. On this basis, the most powerful discrepancy between right and left was in Canada (Liberals 43%; Conservatives 167%), followed by the UK (Labour 112%; Conservatives 176%). Even excluding top government officials, the results were similar, the document said. Continue reading.

4. Event: Zoom Rooms

Due to the number of inquiries Zoom has received recently from the UC System Schools regarding Zoom Rooms they will be hosting a UC exclusive 1-hour session with education Zoom Room Specialist, Felipe Henao. He will be broadcasting from Zoom's Executive Briefing Center in San Jose where he has access to demo many different configurations. They plan to cover different set-ups, use cases, new technology + features, and more in order to provide a full understanding of the solution.

This will be held at 1:00 PT Tuesday, November 2nd.

If you are interested in attending email and request an invite. 

5. Stealing a giraffe from the zoo? Only if it's a really cool giraffe.

"What would it take to teach a machine to behave ethically?" A recent paper approached this question by collecting a dataset that they called "Commonsense Norm Bank", from sources like advice columns and internet forums, and then training a machine learning model to judge the morality of a given situation.

Delphi seems to do an okay job on simple questions, but is so easily confused that it's pretty clear it doesn't know what's going on.

Adding qualifiers like "if I really want to" will get Delphi to condone all sorts of crimes, including murder.

Obfuscating details can change the answer wildly. Continue reading.