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Updated November, 2020

Article I - Statement of Purpose

Article II - Membership

Article III - Executive Board

Article IV - Committees

Article V - Vacancies

Article VI - Meetings

Article VII - Quorum and Voting

Article VIII - Annual Reports

Article IX - Amendments

Article X - Release Time

Article XI - Disclaimers

Article XII - Parliamentary Authority

Article XII - BruinTech Sponsorship and Association with Campus Computing Groups  

Article I   Statement of Purpose

As the hub of Information Technology Service Delivery and Management, the UCLA BruinTech is officially recognized by IT Services as an independent advisory body to the University Administration on technology issues.  

The objectives of the BruinTech are:  

  1. to support the mission of the University of California,  
  2. to promote, maintain and enhance communication and outreach across IT service and delivery areas within the University community,  
  3. to act as a liaison between IT staff and University IT Administration,  
  4. to promote training and career growth for UCLA staff,  
  5. to share common areas of IT interest, responsibility and practices.  

Article II  Membership 

All UCLA employees regardless of classification may consider themselves members of BruinTech. Membership is extended to those who have an interest in technology related issues at UCLA.  

Board Membership is reserved for full-time career staff members who support and promote the BruinTech mission and objectives as defined in Article I and have the support of their immediate supervisor.  

Article III  Executive Board 

Note: All positions serve a one-year term. All positions, except for Presidential positions (i.e., President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President), can run for one additional, consecutive year of service.


The BruinTech President serves as the head of the BruinTech Executive Board and leads BruinTech programming for the term of one year. The President helps set the vision and goals for the term in consultation with the BruinTech Program Sponsor.

The duties of the President include:

  • schedule meetings, establish agendas, preside at all UCLA BruinTech meetings;
  • set the vision and goals for the term in consultation with the BruinTech program sponsor;
  • serve on and/or delegate another BruinTech member to participate on University
  • committees and councils as a representative of BruinTech; and
  • assume the role of the Immediate Past President when term expires.

The President shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of all committees. President shall vote only in the case of a tie.


President-Elect serves for a one-year term, then transitions into the President role for a one-year term. This position serves as the BruinTech IT Strategic Partner to UCLA’s IT leadership during their term.

The duties of the President-Elect include:

  •  attend all IT Strategic Partner meetings as the BruinTech representative; 
  • meet quarterly with the CIO as the BruinTech IT Strategic Partner representative;
  • share updates and information from IT Strategic Partner meetings with the BruinTech Board;
  •  perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President in the President’s absence; and
  • assume the role of President when term expires.

The President-Elect shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall be a voting member of the Board.

Vice President for Community Events

The Vice President for Community Events leads, plans, and coordinates BruinTech events that build community and strengthen skills among members, with the guidance of the Board’s established vision and goals for the year.

The duties of the Vice President for Community Events include:

  • plan monthly BruinTech events and activities that promote community and skill development;
  • schedule event speakers and coordinate venue logistics; and
  • co-sponsor events with other campus groups, as appropriate.

This position works closely with the VP for Technology Support and VP for Marketing Communications. 

The Vice President for Community Events shall be a voting member of the Board.

Vice President for Technology Support

The Vice President for Technology Support ensures BruinTech’s community events, activities, listserv, and website run smoothly.

The duties of the Vice President for Technology Support include:

  • manage technology operations for BruinTech events and activities (e.g., Zoom, AV setup);
  • administer membership of the BruinTech listserv; and
  • implement content updates to the BruinTech website.

This position works closely with the VP for Community Events and VP for Content Strategy. The Vice President for Technology Support shall be a voting member of the Board.

Vice President for Special Projects

The Vice President for Special Projects leads, plans, and coordinates BruinTech special projects throughout the year.

The duties of the Vice President for Special Projects include:

  • lead, plan, and coordinate special projects (e.g., scholarship program, annual conference, Board election);
  •  recruit and manage subcommittees to help facilitate projects, as needed;
  •  coordinate other programs and projects as assigned by the Board.

The Vice President for Special Projects shall be a voting member of the Board.

Vice President for Marketing Communications

The Vice President for Marketing Communications promotes BruinTech activities and builds community between BruinTech members.

The duties of the Vice President for Marketing Communications include:

  • develop and manage marketing for BruinTech events and programs;
  • distribute the “Friday Five” weekly newsletter, in collaboration with the Vice President for Content Strategy; and
  • develop and manage BruinTech’s online community presence.

This position works closely with the VP for Content Strategy and VP for Technology Support.
The Vice President for Marketing Communications shall be a voting member of the Board.

Vice President for Content Strategy

The Vice President for Content Strategy plans and creates content in support of BruinTech’s mission to advance technical knowledge and experience, encourage innovation, and promote participation among all our members. This role maintains continuity and institutional knowledge.

The duties of the Vice President for Content Strategy include:

  • document and archive Board meeting proceedings;
  • curate the “Friday Five” weekly newsletter articles;
  • create and maintain meaningful content for BruinTech’s website; and
  • work with the President to write the BruinTech annual report.

This position works closely with the VP for Marketing Communications and VP for Technology Support to distribute content.

The Vice President for Content Strategy shall be a voting member of the Board.

Immediate Past President

The Immediate Past President shall serve in an ex officio capacity, mentoring new Board members and assisting with special projects.

The Immediate Past President shall be a non-voting member of the Board.


Appointed by the President, the Member-at-Large shall attend Board meetings and conduct projects and/or duties assigned by the President and/or committee chairs. They may serve on ad hoc and standing committees.

The Member-at-Large shall be a non-voting member of the Board.


Any member of BruinTech, who has passed their probationary period of employment at UCLA, is eligible to become a member of the Executive Board.  

Election and Term of Office

The Board shall be nominated and elected by the general BruinTech membership. The appointment period is August 1st through July 31th of each academic year. The Immediate Past President may serve in an alternate position on the Board but may not return to the position of President-elect for a period of two years. If re-elected, no member may serve more than 2 consecutive years in the same role except in the case of the President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past President who cannot run for re-elections and whose terms are limited to one year.  

Article IV Committees  

Committees shall be established by the BruinTech Board as needed. Typically Committees may be delegated the task of discussing and making recommendations for a wide-range of issues related to IT staff professional development, strategic and project planning, IT Best Practices, and University IT standards. Committees may be delegated the task of overseeing programs sponsored by the BruinTech.  

Committee Chairperson 

Eligibility: Any BruinTech member who has completed their probationary period of employment is eligible to be a Committee Chairperson. The Committee Chairperson may not hold another Board office while holding the position of Chairperson of a Committee.  

Election and Term of Office: Committee Chairpersons shall be appointed by the BruinTech President. The term of office for all Committee Chairpersons shall be determined when the committee is formed and will typically not be more than one year.  

Duties: Each Committee Chairperson shall be a non-voting member of the Board. The Chairperson of each Committee shall be responsible for actively recruiting members of their Committee.  

Committee Membership 

Eligibility: Any BruinTech member is eligible to be a Committee member. Each Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members, one of whom shall be the Chairperson.  

Duties: Each Committee shall submit for approval any recommendations for action to the Board prior to implementation.  

Article V  Vacancies


In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the President-elect shall assume the duties of President for the remainder of the term.  

Other Officers and Committee Chairpersons

Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the term by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of a quorum present at a Board meeting. Temporary appointments to these positions can be made by the President followed by ratification of this action at the next Board meeting.  

BruinTech sponsors will provide any interim support necessary in these matters.  

Article VI  Meetings  

Board meetings will be held at a time most convenient to the majority of the elected Board representatives to facilitate maximum attendance. Meetings will be held as often as required, but not less than once a month.  

General Meeting: There shall be at least two general meetings or community events per Academic Year of the UCLA BruinTech Membership. The general meeting or community event shall be open to all members of the UCLA BruinTech.  

Attendance: Everyone is welcome. A Board representative may be granted release time during regular scheduled hours of work to attend committee meetings or functions as designated by the Sponsor.  

Article VII  Quorum and Voting  

On Board motions, all elected Board representatives may vote, except the President, and the Immediate Past-President. The President shall vote only in case of a tie.  

Board and Committees: A simple majority (50% plus one) of the voting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum of the Board or a committee.  

General Meetings of BruinTech: A simple majority (50% plus one) of those present at the meeting(s) shall constitute a quorum of that meeting.  

Recall Referendums: A Board member may be removed from office by a vote of no confidence by the Board. The President-elect shall conduct the election unless s/he is the person subject to recall in which case the Board shall appoint someone else to conduct the election. BruinTech sponsors will provide any interim support necessary in these matters.  

Article VIII  Annual Reports  

The Board and each Committee shall present at the general meeting a written report of the activities undertaken by the BruinTech or Committees during the preceding year. The Committees shall report even if no activities have been undertaken. A copy of the Committee reports shall be forwarded to our University sponsor, and a copy maintained on the BruinTech website, and made available to each incoming Committee.  

Article IX  Amendments 

These bylaws may be amended or repealed or new bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the BruinTech members present at any Board meeting.  

The details of the proposed amendments or actions must be published to the membership at large not less than thirty (30) days prior to the time at which the vote will be taken.  

Any member may submit a proposed amendment to the Board. All proposed amendments shall be reviewed by the Board. The Board will review the amendment and shall submit it to a vote of the Assembly.  

Article X  Release Time  

Participation in this organization shall be considered an official University function. Supervisors shall encourage and support release time for employees who wish to participate in BruinTech activities and/or meetings according to Guidelines for Relations with Employee Associations/Advisory Groups re-issued August 28, 1979 to UC Chancellors and Laboratory Directors by UC Office of the President. The guidelines provide that "management support of approved organizations may include ... allowing a reasonable amount of time on pay status to be devoted to legitimate association activities by officers and members."  

Article XI  Disclaimers  

Staff should understand that neither the UCLA BruinTech nor the University will accept ignorance, thoughtlessness, or "tradition" as an excuse for discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status or disability.  

The UCLA BruinTech does not function as a collective bargaining unit. The BruinTech does not represent employees in grievances or administrative reviews, present demands at meet-and-confer sessions, nor endorse legislation that is not supported by the University.  

Article XII  Parliamentary Authority  

Robert's Rules of Order ( shall govern the BruinTech in all cases to which they are applicable, insofar as they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.  

Article XIII  BruinTech Sponsorship and Association with Campus Computing Groups  

The BruinTech is sponsored by IT Services. The President may be invited to participate in meetings and discussions with other campus computing groups and may be asked to act as an ambassador, guest or advisor to these groups as needed. The President may appoint an alternate who can be called on to serve as a member in the event that neither the President nor the President-elect can attend meetings.