Computer Labs
There are a variety of specialized and undergraduate labs available around campus. Some are open only to students but many provide services to staff and faculty. The list of labs provides information on services, hours and restrictions.
IT Policy
A single place from which users can quickly find policies relating to information technology: copyright, networking, privacy and security among others. This is not a comprehensive list, but a selection of those often used.
IT Security
The UCLA Information Security Office is a division of UCLA Information Technology Services. Its mission and tasks are diverse. From both a technological and policy perspective, it aims to promote data security, security policy compliance, and safe computing practices across campus business units and academic departments.
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning (formerly and many other online learning resources, can be accessed for free with a Los Angeles Public Library card.
Research Computing & Storage
The Institute for Digital Research and Education supports the Hoffman2 shared cluster and manages the IDRE Cluster Hosting Program for UCLA researchers. These resources meet campus needs for small- to medium-sized cluster computing. One benefit of contributing cores to the shared cluster is that a research group is guaranteed use of the number of cores contributed with the ability to use surplus cores from the entire Hoffman2 Cluster.
Service Status
Find out about outages and scheduled maintenance.
Software Central serves the UCLA community by negotiating, acquiring, implementing, distributing, managing and supporting campus-wide agreements for the software products and services commonly used in support of UCLA's teaching, research and public service missions.
UCLA Disability and Computing Program
The mission of UCLA’s Disabilities and Computing Program at the Office of Information Technology is two-fold. The first goal is to facilitate the integration of adaptive computing technology into the areas of instruction, study, research, and employment at UCLA. The second goal is to make information – including electronic text and multimedia – accessible to all students, faculty and staff.
UCLA Branding and Imagery
UCOP Resources
UC IT Blog
If you’re in IT at UC, or if you want to learn more about systemwide IT services, then you’ve come to the right place to communicate and collaborate. This blog was launched by Systemwide CIO and Vice President of Information Technology Services Tom Andriola and is an opportunity to build an IT community and share stories. In addition to showcasing different aspects of IT at UC, it highlights talent and opportunities across the system.
UCOP IT Accessibility
The UCOP IT Accessibility Program helps UCOP departments make sure their websites and other online programs and services are accessible to individuals with disabilities. The program is overseen by a governance committee responsible for policy compliance, while a cross-functional working group plans and implements activities to advance awareness about accessibility at UCOP.