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Friday Five for June 14th, 2024

1.  BruinTech Ice Cream Social

Get the inside scoop when you come to celebrate the start of summer with BruinTech feat. Saffron & Rose. Mingle with the board and other members, and learn more about what’s coming up for BruinTech: elections, professional development opportunities, events, and more.

When: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 1PM - 3PM

Where: Charles E. Young Research Library (Main Conference Room 11360)

RSVP for ice cream!

2. UCLA Software Central

Quick update: Software Central has moved to ServiceNow’s Products & Services Catalog. Users should remember to update their bookmarks. Use this link to check it out.

For any questions, please contact Matt Hedges at

3. Friday Five Survey Results

What newsletter content is important to BruinTech? The results are in!  Below are the questions and the responses provided by BruinTech community:

Question 1: I get my BruinTech information from

From the responses gathered, 82.5% got their BruinTech information via email communication followed by Friday Five(71.4%)

Question 2: How often do you read Friday Five?

About 80% of the readers responded by saying that they read the Friday Five every week once it was published. 

Question 3: On a scale of 1 - 4, 1 being not important at all and 4 very important, rate how important the below content is to you: 
  • BruinTech event and updates - 80% of the readers responded by choosing important to very important regarding recieving BruinTech event and updates. 
  • UCLA departmental event and updates related to IT(i.e. workshops) - 75% of the readers responded by choosing important to very important about recieving UCLA departmental event and updates.  
  • UCLA IT high-level updates(i.e. digital roadmap, campus strategy, etc.) - 90% of the readers responded by choosing important to very important about recieving UCLA IT high-level updates
  • UC-wide updates (i.e. other campuses or Office of the President) - 50% of the readers responded by choosing important to recieve UC-wide updates, 29% responded by choosing very important, and 13% said it was less important to recieve UC-wide updates .
  • Tech community events and updates outside of the UC (i.e. tech conferences for broader IT community, news articles etc.,) - 47% responded by choosing it was important, 11% choose very important, 25% choose it was less important, and remaining 10% choose it was not important at all to recieve Tech community events and updates outside of the UC.
Question 4: On a scale of 1 - 4, 1 being not important at all and 4 very important, rate how important the below activities are to you.
  • Upcoming workshops, webinars, and conferences - 85% responded by choosing it is important to very important, while 14% choose not important.
  • Professional development opportunities (i.e. scholarships, programs, mentoring) - 36% responded by choosing important, 44% choose very important, and 16% choose not so important.
  • Social and networking opportunities - 38% choose it is not important, 50% choose important to very important and 10% choose it is not important at all.
  • Miscellaneous updates (i.e. Experial rollout) - 66% reponded by choosing important to very important, while 32% reponded by choosing not important.


Thank you so much for filling this survey out. We’ll be using your inputs in our future issues of Friday Five and BruinTech planning and events.

4. UC Tech Registration Open

Save your spot for UC Tech 2024, a three-day long technology conference celebrating innovation and collaboration within our system’s tech community. This year’s theme is “Collaboration for Transformation,” pushing teamwork to the forefront as we tackle a rapidly evolving landscape. Attendees can expect to participate in interactive sessions and also a large variety of talks.

When: Sunday, October 27 - Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Where: UC Davis and UC Davis Health campus (Sacramento, CA)

Register for UC Tech today!

5. IT Job Postings
