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BruinTech: Accessibility and User Experience Office Hours - April 19, 2023

  • Wed, Apr 19, 2023
  • 11 a.m. to Noon
Virtual via Zoom

BruinTech: Accessibility and User Experience Office Hours

A joint venture between the Disability Computing Program (DCP), and BruinTech (BT).

Hosted by Travis Lee (DCP), and Matthew Geddert (BT).

Beginning: Wednesday, February 8, from 11:00a to 12:00p, and every two weeks thereafter.

Join us every other week to ask any questions you may have about accessibility and user experience to our featured panelists. How can we help you improve your service or application?

Some areas of interest may include:

  • Onboarding to SiteImprove for automatic accessibility assessments
  • Browser plugins to help assess accessibility
  • Accessible wordpress pilot theme
  • DOJ consent degree and the recent complaint against UC Berkeley
  • Alt tags - what goes into them and what is the best practice
  • Handling navigation for screen readers and tabbing
  • Usability research such as usability testing and stakeholder interviews
  • Design tools like Figma
  • Designing, wireframing, and prototyping


Join us via Zoom